Sunday, May 11, 2014

in honor of my mother

My mom is the BEST mom ever !! Not just because she is fun but because she has spent her entire life teaching and loving us even when she had "HAD IT UP TO HERE!!!!!" Man the stuff we put her through, Wow !!  But what I respect the most is she is always pointing me toward the Lord Jesus !! She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the low of kindness. prov 31:26
She is an amazing mom and Grand mama. 
I hope some day i can marry a girl as amazing as her!
                                      i love you mama!!
                                         sincerely,  Andrew

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Doughnuts with Zack & Ben

 There is a awesome new doughnut shop here in town! We now go here all the time! So here are a few pix of our time we had with the K. kids!

Lookin' good...
This stuff is like manna from heaven!
3 Men
Their smoothies are really good!

Prov 23-17

Johnny B