Thursday, March 27, 2014

Andrews house is now under way!

 Well Andrews house is under way, as the title has well put it-he`s putting two additions on the front and the back.
 "The owner poses in front of his domain".
 One of four sides.
 The roof on a some what of a strange pitch. :)
 And now you can see the whole deal pretty well!
 Mikes grading the road, every time it rains it arodes so this time Mike saves the day!
 Burning off in the woods around the uninhabited dwelling.
We had some homeless guys over for dinner and they didint have  much to say. :) jk
And on the front of the uninhabited dwelling...
Sam in his working attire.
My adorable nephew! It was too good not to put on with the others!

'Till you read again,


  1. Great post, John! Excellent job.
    Y'all have a blessed evening, and congrats to Andrew on the progress of his house. Keep us posted. :)
    for the Whiddons

  2. Sorry we missed y'all Sunday
    Didn't go down there
    It was too wet !!!
    But got the general idea from the pics
    Looking good Andrew !!!
    Y'all might need that tracter again
    For the truck that's stuck ! Lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice shirt you got on there you ol' cowboy! haha House is looking fantastic. Can't wait to come down for a visit when my schedule allows.

